Car accidents can have devastating consequences. At Roth & Khalif, we attempt to help car accident victims receive compensation for all sorts of accidents, including those with lifelong consequences.

Here are some of the most common car accident injuries that fulfill New York’s serious injury threshold and are thus eligible for lawsuits. 

Broken Bones

Car accidents can exert tremendous force on the body, resulting in fractures.

The most common bones impacted are the ribs, legs, and wrists. Severity varies from minor fractures to complex breaks requiring surgery and extensive physical therapy. 

Some people experience long-term complications from broken bones, including reduced lifelong mobility or chronic pain.

Traumatic Brain Injuries 

TBIs can cause concussions, contusions, and hematomas. Symptoms vary, ranging from mild headaches and confusion to severe cognitive impairments, personality changes, mood swings, memory issues, and difficulty concentrating. They can cause seizures, blindness, hearing loss, speaking deficits, and other complications.

Some people can heal brain injuries, but others will never recover. Once brain cells are destroyed, they do not regenerate. Sometimes, the brain wires new pathways to compensate. Sometimes, a person suffering from a TBI loses their career or ability to live independently.

Spinal Cord Injuries

Catastrophic spinal cord injuries can truly be life-changing. These injuries may cause complete or partial paralysis, depending on the severity and location of the damage. Spinal cord injuries are often permanently disabling.

Personal injury suits can help you pay for the long-term medical care, special equipment, and extensive therapy you may require after such an incident. 

Other Injuries

We often see disfiguring lacerations that lead to extensive scarring, crushed arms and legs that must be amputated, extensive burns, and many other injuries that create a long-term financial burden. 

Receiving Compensation

It’s sad but true: the more severe the injury, the more likely the insurance company will fight to avoid paying it. It’s appalling to think it’s easier for them to consider undermining you at your darkest hour, but it’s how things often go. 

They’ll try to trick you into sending them medical records they shouldn’t see so they can claim “preexisting conditions” impacted your case. They’ll try to get you to sign documents you shouldn’t sign or make statements you shouldn’t make so they can blame the whole accident on you. 

You need an extremely experienced personal injury lawyer by your side to get the full payout you will need to navigate life after a catastrophic injury. 

Don’t let them get away with it. Contact Roth and Khalif to get help with your car accident case. 

See also:

Common Causes of Car Accidents in New York City

Steps to Take After a Personal Injury Accident in New York

The Importance of Documenting Your New York Personal Injury Claim