Dogs account for 76% to 94% of animal bite injuries worldwide. While many people love dogs, keeping them is a responsibility. A negligent dog owner can do a great deal of damage. 

Dog bites can lead to both physical and emotional injuries. Any one of these injuries can have lasting consequences for the victims.

While not every dog bite is eligible for a personal injury case, we still wish to emphasize their severity simply because the consequences can be dire.

Puncture Wounds

Dogs have sharp teeth and strong jaws. Their bites can result in deep, penetrating injuries.

Even a small bite can cause damage to the underlying tissues, leading to infections and other complications if you don’t seek proper treatment.

Fractures and Broken Bones

Larger, more powerful dog breeds have strong enough jaws to exert significant pressure on the bones when they bite down. We’ve seen dog bites cause broken hands, arms, and legs.


Dog bites can become infected thanks to the bacteria in a dog’s mouth. About 5% to 25% of dog bites lead to infection complications. 

Infections can lead to complications such as cellulitis, abscess formation, or worse. Prompt medical attention can reduce the risks of infection; doctors can clean the wounds and administer antibiotics as necessary. 

Physical Scarring

About 40% of dog bite cases result in permanent scarring. Depending on where the scarring is located, these scars can cause embarrassment, a loss of social confidence, emotional distress, and even an inability to pursue certain careers. 

Rabies and Other Diseases

While most dogs don’t have rabies, the risk still exists. Rabies is a viral infection that impacts the central nervous system. It can be fatal if left untreated. 

Some dogs may also be carriers for Paseurella or tetanus. 

Get medical attention just to rule out these infections. You can’t tell just by looking at the dog bite. You’ll need to get tested.

Emotional Trauma

Many dog bite victims deal with PTSD in the aftermath of the attack. These psychological injuries incur expenses just as physical injuries, as they often require psychological care and counseling to resolve fully.

Get Help Today

Remember that all medical costs associated with these bites may be compensable via a personal injury claim. Contact our office to schedule a free consultation to determine whether a lawsuit is appropriate in your case. 

See also:

Understanding Dog Bite Laws in New York City

Steps to Take After a Personal Injury Accident in New York 

The Importance of Documenting Your New York Personal Injury Claim